That's because the IP address of "your" computer doesn't belong to your computer—it belongs to the network you're connected to. Your computer is just borrowing it for a while. That's why you'd have a different IP address at a coffee shop than the IP address you'd have at a hotel on the corner. Different networks, different IP addresses.

Aug 21, 2015 · Your carrier knows what IP address you were using at any given time. It also knows where you have been. Neither you nor I truly know what it does with that information, nor how well it protects it. Nov 08, 2019 · To change the router's IP address, log in to the router as an administrator. From the control panel, change the IP address to whatever you like. However, this IP address is usually changed when there's a problem with it. The default IP address should suffice for most situations. A device’s IP address actually consists of two separate parts: Network ID: The network ID is a part of the IP address starting from the left that identifies the specific network on which the device is located. On a typical home network, where a device has the IP address, the 192.168.1 part of the address will be the network ID. Aug 22, 2011 · External IP address is the address of the device assigned by the ISP(Internet Service provider). Finding your Phone’s IP address can be real difficult job, But its not. Below are some ways you can find yours android phone’s IP. 1. From the phone. Follow Settings >> Wireless Controls >> Wi-Fi settings and tap on the network you are connected Your phone will certainly have an IP address if it is communicating over IP, and everything that you would typically think of as "software" on your phone (aside from the telephone itself and SMS) does so, typically using TCP/IP (web, e-mail, most apps) or UDP/IP (video/audio streaming, VPN, some games).

Whether your mobile phone has a fixed IP or changes frequently totally depends on the network you’re connected to. If you’re connected to a network via WI-FI, then you normally will receive an IP from that network which will change if you change h

No, they both have different IP. Each device be it laptop, computer, or a phone - has its own unique IP address. Depending on your service Internet Service Provider (ISP), if you have static IP, you will have the same IP address on the device every time, if its dynamic, a new IP will be assigned every time you connect to the internet.

Aug 22, 2011 · External IP address is the address of the device assigned by the ISP(Internet Service provider). Finding your Phone’s IP address can be real difficult job, But its not. Below are some ways you can find yours android phone’s IP. 1. From the phone. Follow Settings >> Wireless Controls >> Wi-Fi settings and tap on the network you are connected Your phone will certainly have an IP address if it is communicating over IP, and everything that you would typically think of as "software" on your phone (aside from the telephone itself and SMS) does so, typically using TCP/IP (web, e-mail, most apps) or UDP/IP (video/audio streaming, VPN, some games). That's because the IP address of "your" computer doesn't belong to your computer—it belongs to the network you're connected to. Your computer is just borrowing it for a while. That's why you'd have a different IP address at a coffee shop than the IP address you'd have at a hotel on the corner. Different networks, different IP addresses.