Extensive lists of the most popular searches on Google. Explore lists of the most asked questions and the most searched terms along with data on how many people search using those terms.

Nov 25, 2012 · If the mother had Googled a way to suffocate someone on the last day anyone saw her daughter alive, the jury might have concluded differently. Google searches have already been used in several Oct 23, 2019 · The JAMA research letter found that Google searches are also expected to grow again by the end of 2019 to 117.7% higher than 2018. Within states like Oklahoma and Alabama, searches grew by 211.2% Dec 30, 2016 · FACT - 91 Million Google searches are made every single day FACT - 97% of all hiring managers check Google before hiring employees FACT - 99% of all people have Googled the name of a friend, family member or co-worker

Jun 30, 2020 · To view the history of pages you've recently visited, select Bundle view or Item view from the navigation menu on the left, and then scroll down the page. Older history. To find a page you've visited in the past, use the Search box at the top of the screen.

Basically, it’s part autocomplete and part of “are you looking for this?”, and it is based on real searches carried out by real people who use Google to search for answers. When enough people search for a particular term, regardless of its meaning, Google store that popular term in their database to provide search suggestions to next Jun 30, 2020 · To view the history of pages you've recently visited, select Bundle view or Item view from the navigation menu on the left, and then scroll down the page. Older history. To find a page you've visited in the past, use the Search box at the top of the screen.

According to the national average of searches, student loans are the most Googled financial topic, with 2,441,000 searches on average across the country. Maryland and New Mexico residents search about student loans more than other states, but the fact that there are 2.5 million searches on average, we know this is a significant issue for a

Aug 01, 2013 · Suffolk County Criminal Intelligence Detectives received a tip from a Bay Shore based computer company regarding suspicious computer searches conducted by a recently released employee. Hi Dave I am using a shared Safari OS X 10.5.7 I have noticed that a particular site has regularly appeared in my cookies folder but not on the google browsing bar so I take it that the search has been done in Private Browsing as it still loads cookies unless the cookies have been disabled. Mar 30, 2020 · COVID-19 related searches surge on Google. As the coronavirus pandemic dominates our concerns, news, politics, and economy, it’s dominating our Google searches. In fact, today, COVID-19 related searches are now the most popular searches on Google, far exceeding searches about other news, weather, politics, Google, Facebook, Amazon, or even porn. Jul 18, 2012 · Being able to quickly see your most recently acquired new links might be helpful in tracking link acquisitions, as well as determining which links might have caused a penalty. The archive is sent as JSON files, but if you open the files in a plain-text editor like Text Edit and search "query_text," you can see a list of all your searches. Why is this data important? Dec 20, 2014 · Interesting that 8am and 10pm are the most common times for me to do searches, but that reflects my life: 8am is immediately after I drop off my children at school, so I’m getting started for the day, while 10pm is… surprise! just after they’ve all gone to bed. Notice also my total Google searches is 13,437. That’s a lot of search!