This will display addresses and port numbers in numerical form, hence skip all the overhead. Replace to your own process ID without the <>. Ex. in my case I will use netstat -ano | findstr 18300. That’s it, a quick way to find the port number based on which process is running given you know the process ID.

Identify SQL Server TCP IP port being used Sep 21, 2011 How to determine and change the port of an SSAS Instance Nov 19, 2010

Mar 23, 2017

Jun 13, 2017 url - How to find Port number of IP address? - Stack Overflow Those ones usually show with https and their port number is unknown and decided by their admin. If you choose to runn a port scanner trying every number nn from say 10000 to 30000 in Then your isp or their antivirus will … How to Check Open TCP/IP Ports in Windows

Finding a USB port number - Microsoft Community

What Is a Port Number in Networking? Nov 05, 2019 How to find the port number of a computer - Quora